Sunday, September 7, 2008

About me

This is about me of course!
I am a born again christian saved by grace by Jesus Christ!
I got saved on April 21st 2007!

I love to sing! I love to read most of all the Bible and other books!
I love playing music it is one of my favorite things to do!
I play or am still learning the piano, I play the bass a little bit, I play the mandolin a little bit, and I play the guitar! The guitar is the best instrument I play! I play the guitar during our church services with two other men. The first one is Bro.Marshall the husband of Amber Reeves, and second my brother Daniel! Bro. Marshall plays the electric guitar, and daniel well he plays the bass! And actually my mom plays the piano up on our platform too!

And we are having our tent services today thru friday!
Keep looking at Streams of Grace!

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