Sunday, September 7, 2008

Me Myself and I!

Hey, Of course my name is Savannah!
Soon I will start our daily Jokes.

Well, Sometimes we have to try to find something to talk about! And sometimes it is hard to come up with a Subject!
And that is what I alway's have a promblem with! And of course I know you don't know where this is going! But here are some ideas for your blog!

(1). Take videos or pictures of a certian thing your interested in!
Then Put it on your blog and write the story!

(2). Write some projects that you have done then give some ways to do them!
Or service's, meeting's!

(3). Make polls for fun ideas or activities! Put pictures of friend's or Things's you Love!
Have fun creating your Blog!

More from Streams of Grace!


Anonymous said...

I love this post! Good ideas! The boys need to read it since they say they don't knwo what to write about!

Rita said...
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